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Explore Augmented Reality

Augmented reality (AR) is a technology that overlays digital information onto the real world, creating a blended environment that enhances the user's experience. AR is used in various industries, including gaming, education, healthcare, and marketing, to provide users with a more immersive and interactive experience. With AR technology, users can see virtual objects overlaid onto the real world, interact with them, and manipulate them in real-time.

Augmented reality overlays digital information onto the real world, creating a blended environment that enhances the user's experience.


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Join the augmented reality revolution and explore a new world of immersive and interactive experiences.

Meet Our Successful Students

Join us in celebrating the success of our students, from their academic achievements to their professional accomplishments, and discover the many ways in which they have made a difference in the world.

Himanshu Rawat
AR Engineer
Rupali Singh
Motion Designer
Ayush Jha
AR Designer
Maheen Moin
Unity Engineer

Frequently Asked Questions

A comprehensive list of frequently asked questions and their corresponding answers to help you better understand and address any concerns you may have before making a purchase or using our services.

AR edtech (augmented reality educational technology) is an innovative approach to learning that integrates augmented reality technology into educational materials. This technology enhances traditional educational methods by making learning more interactive and engaging, using digital overlays to create an immersive learning experience.

AR edtech makes learning more engaging and interactive by incorporating digital overlays into physical learning materials. This helps students better understand complex concepts, visualize abstract ideas, and learn in a more immersive environment, leading to improved retention and higher levels of student engagement.

Many AR edtech applications can be accessed using a smartphone or tablet, while others may require additional hardware such as augmented reality glasses or headsets. Some applications also require specific software or apps, but these are often free and easily accessible.

Yes, AR edtech can be used for students of all ages and educational levels, from kindergarten to post-graduate studies. The technology is versatile and can be used to enhance the learning experience across many different subject areas and disciplines.

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